Thursday, December 31, 2009

Movies of 2009

Here are my movies and series that I watched in the second half of 2009, with mini-reviews.
I started the year with Heroes: Season 3, but it was getting so dark I stopped watching. I may go back to it sometime, but it seems like another one of those series that will never let the characters be happy because the writers think we need more and more "tension" to stay interested. There's got to be some hope.
Then I watched The Tudors: Season 1 - Historically interesting, and very racy.
Slumdog Millionaire - good, but not for family.
Titanic (again) - one of my favorites.
Titanic Survivor Stories - Documentary filmed in 1982, when several survivors were alive and related fascinating stories. At the end there's film footage of the actual ship leaving port.
Nights in Rodanthe - Better than I expected, and not as predictable as the trailers led me to believe.
Pride and Prejudice - (again) one of my favorites.
Monkey Business - cute, with all four Marx brothers.
The Great Race - I've always liked Tony Curtis, but this was not as good as I expected. Very campy, Road-Runner type violence/humor, and back when making fun of suffragettes was apparently funny.
Spaceballs - for the first time! light humor.
The Other Boleyn Girl - Quite a different version from The Tudors. Not very happy, but I suppose with those historical events that would be impossible. Intriguing.
Airplane! - for the first time in many years! funny.
Pirates of the Caribbean (again) - a favorite. I tried to add in the "deleted scene" where Elizabeth teaches him the pirate song.
The Importance of Being Earnest (1952) - Entertaining.
The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice - More somber than the first two movies. Enjoyed it.
The Buccaneers - Miniseries based on Edith Wharton's unfinished novel. Interesting, but not sure I would recommend it. Lots of "dark" (unhappy) scenes. I'm told her books were much better.
Saving Grace - Hilarious! (no, this is not some American series. It's an English feature) This tops my list and I would definitely buy a copy.
The Fifth Element (again) - I had forgotten most of the movie. Enjoyable.
Born Yesterday (1950) - A Pygmalion type story. Liked it.
Holiday (1938, K.Hepburn & C.Grant) - Liked it.
Berkeley Square - I recommend this miniseries, much better than The Buccaneers. Some reality and hardship, but it gives hope. And good historical detail; I now know what a footman does!
Home Alone (1st one) - I hadn't seen this in so long I forgot most of it. Funny.
Star Trek (the new one, DVD) - Good enough to watch again.
While You Were Sleeping (again) - My favorite Christmas movie, especially if you're blue.
Timeline - Entertaining, but turn off your reality switch.
Four Christmases - OK, but don't need to watch it again. It's like Christmas Vacation humor, which isn't me. But I didn't realize it had such an all-star cast! 'like the supporting actors.
Sometime in the past few months I watched Serenity and forgot to write it down. Although I had seen it in the theatre, I had since watched the Firefly series so everything had whole new meanings for me. Would like to watch the series and then the movie again.
Ben Hur - Watching this week (not finished). So far, it's awesome!

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