Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Lost Art of Writing Letters

February shop decor — two of the Griffin and Sabine books

Do people still write letters? Is there a need for them? Have we forgotten how?

I'm hosting my first "discussion group" Saturday at the bookshop. I'd been wanting to do something on the lost art of letter writing, and I hope I'm not in over my head. Personally, I'm doing good to get a card out to someone for a major life event, much less set pen to paper for intimate correspondence.

I'd planned to look up some old-fashioned guidelines in an antique book on etiquette that I bought a few years ago. Now, I have looked all over the house and can't find that book!

One of my customers thoughtfully sent transcripts of two 19th-century letters and another letter of memories from a former World War I  POW — a relative of hers. (Thanks, Sharon!)

Do you have any real tips, quaint tips, or links on how to write a letter?

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