I talked to some very interesting folks, from a helpful publisher (as in, the owner of a name I've seen on many books) to a lady who has "original DNA" from East Africa ("hmmm." What else can you say?). I heard about a family reunion in June that I might have to crash. Of course, I couldn't leave without a book, but I restrained myself and bought only one: My Folks Don't Want Me to Talk About Slavery, oral history from former slaves interviewed in the 1930s.
The photo is a visitor looking over a "family tree" of 19th-century Springfield Friends Meeting members. Dan Warren drew this a couple of years ago to show how many members are related if you go back a few generations. He's working on another one for Archdale Friends Meeting.
I sold a couple of copies of my book, but mostly enjoyed being around other genealogists and history buffs. I saw Jackie, who heads up the Heritage Centre at the Library, walk by with a big grin on her face - she had an armload of Bruce Pruitt's books.
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