Sunday, February 28, 2010

52 weeks to better genealogy - week 9

This week's challenge (from Geneabloggers and Amy Coffin at We Tree) is to read five genealogy blogs every day for a week, preferably some of them new or outside one's normal field of expertise. Just reading, just a week - sounds do-able, right? Here's my semi-random list.

- Southwest Arkie - one of the newest blogs on Geneabloggers
- Two Nerdy History Girls - love this one, want to read more often
- footnoteMaven - one of my Twitter "friends"
- Tonia's Roots - also a Twitter "friend," and has a different style of blogging
- AnceStories - just found, through Twitter search.

Sunday's reads: Southwest Arkie posted her 5 geneablogs to read, mostly about graveyards. She has a great list of blogs and websites on the side of her page, including Genea-Musings. Good stuff, but I could go on overload pretty quickly! My "Maness" in Arkansas is not one of her listed surnames.

TNHG got a preview of costumes for a show about Dolley Madison (she was mentioned in Sunday School class this morning; did you know she was a Quaker?). Hard to imagine her in that oversized bonnet in her early years. Went back and commented about the displays of her clothes here at the Greensboro Museum.

Footnote Maven is celebrating her 3rd blogversary today. She was also selected one of the top 40 geneablogs in Family Tree magazine!

Tonia won a platinum medal in Geneabloggers' Winter Games, for citing her sources. She bullet-posted her accomplishments through the week.

Ancestories was kinda scary - something called ScanFest was going on. At least, I thought it was going on, live, but it was a replay of a chat that happened a couple of hours before. I think people are chatting as they scan photos, the last Sunday of the month, but there was no explanation, just the chat box.

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