Sunday, February 28, 2010

Geneabloggers Winter Games 2010

It was not the best week to join two "olympics" challenges - a week with extra hours and night meetings at my "dayjob." I met some of the challenges last weekend, however. I really wanted to participate in the Write, Write, Write! category, but I decided that just one advance blog post wasn't enough to count. I also tried to put all my surnames in a Wordle picture, but it came up sideways in my blog, so I deleted it.

I did earn one medal, Gold - in Genealogical Acts of Kindness! I sent photos to Trent Briles to add to his Mt. Pleasant cemetery project (I didn't post to Find A Grave because I overlooked that part). I'm still indexing the 18th-century minutes (church records) for the Moate Meeting in Ireland. And I added more genealogy blogs to my "follow" list. The latest one is "Southwest Arkie."

Things I would still like to do in the near future:
- Join the Randolph County Genealogical Society (had hoped to check that off last week!).
- Enter the new information from my research trip to Ireland, with citations, into Reunion.
- Back up my data, after I've entered the new records.
- Create subpages for this blog, listing family trees or at least surnames.
- Read and comment on other genealogy blogs.
- Create a timeline for the English family line (started this a few months ago).

Thanks to Geneabloggers for these great ideas, and a fun Winter Games!

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